This is my favorite time of year when we can get rid of what doesn't work for us to make room for the things that do. And I am not talking about our personal lives, just wardrobe. Cleaning out your closet and drawers of all things winter and going thru all things spring and summer can be so exhilarating. (Please note if you live in the midwest, keep your warmest parka handy, the cold seems to find its way back on occasion). Imagining the days ahead when you can wear your favorite bathing suit or maxi dress or sandals can lift your spirits but should also be a good time to consider wardrobe pieces that you need to get rid of. Getting rid of things that you haven't worn from last year and the year before is most likely the indication you will not wear it again this season. I usually have a one year limit but some people like to hold on for another year. And when you donate those pieces you have not worn, it can bring a good feeling that you have lightened your load.
Some things to to think about when purging: Make 2 piles....A Yes and a No pile. Then start going thru your closets keeping this in mind:
Don't hold on a wardrobe piece you have not worn for its sentimental reason or good memory. Always look at the condition, if there is a lot of wear visible, get it out. Trendy styles don't last long. If it is a quality peice and you have the space, you may store it for when the trend comes back again to become a"vintage" peice....if not, put it in the donation pile. When keeping pieces...always consider the fit, try it on and be sure it is comfortable. If it feels tight in anyway, you won't wear it.
Happy Spring! Happy Cleaning!